Wenthe-Davidson Engineering Company was founded By William Wenthe and Arthur H. Davidson on March 7, 1941 on 31st and Cherry Street in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Originally the company was a progressive job shop fabricating processing tanks for platers, dump trailers for cemeteries, sewer cleaning apparatus and powder buggies that were used in Ordinance plants.
By the late sixties, Wenthe had evolved into a modern supplier to the Electric Motor and Generator Industry, providing them with Quality steel housings and other value added services.
Today Wenthe Davidson is an ISO 9001 registered metal fabricator that specializes in custom tubular products, electric motor and generator housings, custom pressure vessels, emission system components for the diesel market and many value added services. Essentially we sell time. We ship every day in exact quantities with perfect quality so often our customers carry no inventory.
We employ 225 valued people under our 115,000 square foot facility. The secret of our success is we listen to the voice of our customer (You). We provide our customers with the most value for their dollar. We strive to exceed their expectations in delivery, quality and of course our prices. In many instances we book an order by 5:00 PM, manufacture and ship it by 5:00 PM the next day. By understanding and being involved as partners with our customers we will be a viable and valuable supplier for many years to come.